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How to be a Well Rounded Person | Understanding the Wellness Wheel

Sometimes when we are sitting in silence, we start reflecting. I mean we all have mistakes and shortcomings that make us wander in our minds. Plenty of life coaches talk about improving yourself in some way but there are so many ways to improve yourself. Even in the Islamic Tradition, self-improvement is an essential concept that is weighed heavily. For Halal Holistics Practitioners, that means being well rounded in the best way you can be.

“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves…” (Quran, 13:11)

What does being a well-rounded person mean?

A well-rounded person is someone who is comprehensively developed and well-balanced in a range or variety of aspects. So it’s not someone who is just book smart, or just street smart. It’s someone who has comfortably grown to strike the balance in every dimension of daily life. Here we have a list of the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

What are the 8 Dimensions of Wellness?

Here is a list and they are all equally important to meet that well-rounded balance we hope to obtain.

Physical Wellness:

What is Physical Wellness?

Physical wellness is when your body is feeling physically good both inside and out. Key components would be diet, exercise and daily routines.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Do I eat a well-balanced nutritious diet?

  • Do I exercise as much as I would like to?

  • Do I get enough sleep?

  • Do I have a bad physical habit or addiction?

Emotional Wellness:

What is Emotional Wellness?

Emotional wellness is when you are in a sound place in your mind with the different feelings that you have. Key points to look for are the ways you handle stress or cope with different relationships or challenges.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Am I able to express and communicate my feelings?

  • Am I able to control my emotions?

  • Am I able to adapt to changes in my life?

  • Am I independent and emotionally stable (mature)?

Spiritual Wellness:

What is Spiritual Wellness?

Spiritual wellness is often associated with religion. Religion provides structure for spiritual health. The central idea is consciousness and purpose of life. Key components are mindfulness and fulfillment through purpose.

Questions to Ask Yourself?

  • Do I have a sense of meaning and purpose in life?

  • Do I have values and beliefs that I base my life around?

  • Do I have inner peace?

Social Wellness:

What is Social Wellness?

Social wellness is all about relationships to develop healthy bonds and relationships with others. The connections to other people help structure strong support systems for your wellbeing.

Questions to Ask Yourself?

  • Do I communicate with others?

  • Am I able to set boundaries?

  • Am I able to navigate conflict?

  • Am I aware of other’s feelings?

Intellectual Wellness:

What is Intellectual Wellness?

Intellectual wellness is the attainment of knowledge and skills. It does tie a lot into the modern term of “wokeness” or “the creative” Normally, there is academic studies but that comes to an end depending on your field of study. Key factors are to always be willing to learn new things or cultivate your existing skills.

Questions to Ask Yourself?

  • Am I striving to learn new things?

  • Do I spend time on my personal or professional development?

  • Do I engage in mentally stimulating activities?

Environmental Wellness:

What is Environmental Wellness?

Environmental wellness is about where you are in the physical space. A pleasant space would encourage positive wellbeing. Key components would be cleanliness and organization.

Questions to Ask Yourself?

  • Am I in a clean and safe environment?

  • Do I have everything I need available in my space?

  • Do I feel ownership in my space?

Financial Wellness

What is Financial Wellness?

Financial wellness is to be fully aware and satisfied with the way budgets are being managed. Maintaining living expenses and saving money are essential to a peace of mind. Key components are balancing expenses and understanding ways to save.

Questions to Ask Yourself?

  • Do I have a budget and am I able to save money?

  • Am I using my money wisely?

  • Do I have financial goals and plans for the future?

Occupational Wellness

What is Occupational Wellness?

Occupational wellness is to be satisfied in the work and tasks you complete everyday. The place you are employed or the hobbies you enjoy are important ways you spend your time. Key factors here would be the sense of enrichment and fulfillment from the tasks you do everyday.

Questions to Ask Yourself?

  • What tasks at work, school, or community do you enjoy?

  • Have you set realistic career goals?

  • Are you making progress toward your career goals?

We often tell ourselves, “I want to be better” or “How do I become better?”. It is daunting, terrifying and intimidating. I can tell you what it isn’t. Impossible. If you want to be better, let’s make a plan and make it happen. It is aimless to just say what you want but not have a guideline, so let’s help you get there.

Start somewhere to get to a better Holistic YOU. Whether it is quitting a habit or starting a routine. It will get easier as long as you keep at it.

Here is a graphic the encompasses all these different dimensions of wellness:

I hope you enjoyed this article! If you are not sure about where to start, feel free to reach out and let’s talk about it!

Thank You for Reading and Hope to hear from you all soon!

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Hi, I'm Zishan, a healthcare worker, a thinker and public health professional that spends way too much time analyzing the world around us. I love studying about health and wellness, and living my life to find BALANCE AND BARAKAH

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